Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A significant lack

Spinoza, in Proposition XXIX, says, "We shall endeavor to do everything which we imagine me (let it be understood in this... that we mean men for whom we have no particular emotion) to regard with pleasure, and, on the other hand, we shall be averse to doing what we imagine men to turn away from.

Not. one. word. about DOGS. What was thing guy thinking?
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A pattern emerges

Sometimes he pours himself into the portals beneath his paws, passes through the threshold, and travels into realms unknown to those who simply walk upon the carpet without looking down.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Attack the camera

A canine celebrity shoved the cameraman attempting to document his movements. No charges were filed. No apologies.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The hour of the woof

The philosopher ponders a snow storm.

Zeno's paradox

I'm running towards you. But I always must traverse half the the distance. There are an infinite numbers of these halfway points. That means that I will never reach you because --

[Chain of reasoning interrupted by collision]