Guy looked steadily worse in the coming hours and his movements were stiff. When I let him outside, he leaned into more for support -- I'd never seen him that unsteady. He lay down, regurgitated several undigested meals. When the time came to take him to the vet, he couldn't get up, or keep his feet positioned underneath. I scooped up all sixty four pounds and hustled him to the car.
Dr. Kane examined him carefully, giving him a thorough going over for ticks, as did Stephanie, her assistant. Nobody was attached. She offered three potential diagnoses -- tick paralysis, coon hound paralysis, and botulism. She said he needed to go to a hospital where he could be watched 24 hours a day -- the paralysis might spread to his lungs.
Borrowing a stretcher from Dr. Kane, we drove to the VCA animal hospital in Cheshire, Connecticut. Stephanie had called ahead so they were waiting for us. Guy could still wag his tail, and wasn't too ill to be pleased by the attention.
To the right, a before picture....
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