Recently I encountered a thriller called The Athena Project by Brad Thor, and thoroughly enjoyed it. The dust jacket made a pleasant-tasting, noisy palate cleanser and was a perfect set-up for the chewy, delicious boards that constituted the cover. What's more, the glue in the binding had a tangy, woodsy smell that was irresistible. The paper was the true highlight, though -- dark, with inky undertones that blended perfectly with cellulose. The only book that I enjoyed more was Hegel's Science of Logic, but that's probably an unfair comparison. Academic presses use more pungent glue.
To other reviewers, I leave such matters as the plot, the characters, the prose style, the underlying politics, and the alarming implications of the nonstop diet of bang-bang shoot-em-ups. Personally, I think adults can handle anything, if they have teeth that are strong enough.
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