Monday, September 15, 2014

The Canine Review of Books

Recently I encountered a thriller called The Athena Project by Brad Thor, and thoroughly enjoyed it. The dust jacket made a pleasant-tasting, noisy palate cleanser and was a perfect set-up for the chewy, delicious boards that constituted the cover. What's more, the glue in the binding had a tangy, woodsy smell that was irresistible.  The paper was the true highlight, though -- dark, with inky undertones that blended perfectly with cellulose.  The only book that I enjoyed more was Hegel's Science of Logic, but that's probably an unfair comparison. Academic presses use more pungent glue.

To other reviewers, I leave such matters as the plot, the characters, the prose style, the underlying politics, and the alarming implications of the nonstop diet of bang-bang shoot-em-ups. Personally, I think adults can handle anything, if they have teeth that are strong enough.

Monday, December 16, 2013

A recent encounter with the adversary

This one has sharp claws, which, from a moral point of view, is cheating.  He's a tenth my size, and he's already slashed me a few times. He is unimpressed with my dignified bearing. Barking doesn't bother him.

I foresee years of trouble.

Penser a fauteuil

Everyone seems to believe that energetic work of real thinking demands a lot of effort, a lot of going to and fro.

Well, I'm here to set you straight.  Few locations are more conducive to sapient thoughts than an armchair.  If someone calls you an armchair philosopher, you should thank them.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A significant lack

Spinoza, in Proposition XXIX, says, "We shall endeavor to do everything which we imagine me (let it be understood in this... that we mean men for whom we have no particular emotion) to regard with pleasure, and, on the other hand, we shall be averse to doing what we imagine men to turn away from.

Not. one. word. about DOGS. What was thing guy thinking?
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A pattern emerges

Sometimes he pours himself into the portals beneath his paws, passes through the threshold, and travels into realms unknown to those who simply walk upon the carpet without looking down.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Attack the camera

A canine celebrity shoved the cameraman attempting to document his movements. No charges were filed. No apologies.